UK Football Association’s Plan to Challenge Homophobic and Transphobic Abuses

UK Football Association's Plan to Challenge Homophobic and Transphobic AbusesUK Football Association's Plan to Challenge Homophobic and Transphobic Abuses

In recent years, reports on discrimination and abuse on gay and transgender people in sport has been an issue of concern. The UK Football Association has launched a four year plan to promote equality in football in the UK.

Soon after 3,000 individuals and clubs signed up the Government’s Sports Charter to tackle homophobia and transphobia in sport the FA came up with a plan. It commits the FA to taking action in six key areas to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusion in football. Already, all twenty clubs in the Premier League have signed up. The clubs have committed to challenge discrimination and work to rid football of homophobic and transphobic abuse both in the stands and on the field.

With this, the gays or lesbians, in UK after fleeing persecution back home, can further look forward to fairness in the field of sports. The plan comes after the FA signed the Home Office’s Sports Charter – which calls for an end to homophobia and transphobia in sport. Since last year, the Sports Charter has been signed by 3,000 sporting bodies, clubs, professional athletes, celebrities and fans, including comedian Stephen Fry.

Home Office Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone said: ‘The whole world admires the skill and competitive drama on display in our football grounds but sometimes we also see the worst of intolerance and discrimination.

‘That’s why the government launched the Sports Charter last year. It’s a rallying cry for all of us to tackle homophobia and transphobia in sport.

‘The FA was one of the founding signatories of this Charter and I am delighted to see them take forward their commitment to ensure football is a welcoming place for everyone.’

The Home Office Sports Charter is open to leagues, teams, and individual participants and spectators. The development is also significant as reports reveal claims filed by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTI) asylum seekers, fleeing persecution and discrimination in their countries of origin, are treated differently across the 27 states of the European Union.

The FA have been Promoting the development of the game amongst all ages, gender, backgrounds and abilities in terms of participation and quality, and also involves promoting the availability of the sport to the greatest possible number of people.

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