Terror In Paris: 12 Dead In Massacre As Islamic Gunmen Attack Charlie Hebdo

Terror In Paris-12 Dead In Massacre As Islamic Gunmen Attack Charlie HebdoTerror In Paris-12 Dead In Massacre As Islamic Gunmen Attack Charlie Hebdo

The romantic city of Paris was turned into a terror zone as this afternoon as two masked gunmen men storm a French satirical newspaper known as Charlie Hebdo and execute staff members. The two terrorists are reported to have stalked the building and were asking for people’s names before killing them. The magazine’s editor and cartoonist are among the people that were killed as they were in the middle of their weekly editorial meeting.

A total of 12 people were killed in the massacre while 10 others were wounded. Among the victims are reporters, administrative staffs, as well as two police officers.

According to reports, the men were brandishing AK-47s and shouting ‘Allahu akbar!’ and ‘the Prophet has been avenged’ as they carry out their terror attack. In a horrifying footage, a French police officer is seen begging the merciless killers to spare his life but his pleas were unanswered as he was shot in the head at point-blank range.

The attackers are said to have fled in stolen car across eastern Paris after having a “mass shoot-out” with French police officers and are currently on the loose. The revenge attack was supposedly carried out because the newspaper had recently posted a picture of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on its Twitter account and was seen as a mockery of the Holy Prophet Mohammed.

This is not the first time the newspaper is being attacked by Islamic extremist. In 2011, the publication’s offices were firebombed for publishing a satirical cartoon of Prophet Mohammed.

See photos of some of the victims of the attack here.


The gunmen are seen near the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo before fleeing in a hijacked car.
A critically injured person being evacuated from the scene of the incident.

People taking refuge on the roof of the Charlie Hebdo office while the attack was ongoing.

French President François Hollande at the scene of the event where he promised to bring those responsible to justice.
Jean Cabut: one of the victims among the Charlie Hebdo employees executed by the masked gunmen in Paris.
Photo showing bullets holes in one of the windows of the Charlie Hebdo offices.

Read more about the incident on the UK Daily Mail website.

Photo Credit: Twitter/Getty/AFP/Daily Mail.

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