“Shut Up” Nigeria’s Presidential Spokesperson Tells A Reporter On Aljazeera’s The Stream


Bring down boko Haram. Is Nigeria any closer to solving its issues with Boko Haram? That was the topic for discussion on Aljazeera’s Wednessday edition of The Stream with British-Nigerian Femi Oke.

To discuss the topic, Nigerians such as writer and Nobel Laurete, Wole Soyinka, Nigeria’s presidential spokesperson, Doyin Okupe, publisher of news website SaharaReporters, Omoyele Sowore and Aljazeera reporter, Yvonne Ndege were live on different locations.

As the discussion progressed, Sowore accused the Nigerian presidential  spokesperson of corruption and in an unexpected fashion, Okupe told SaharaReporters publisher to shut up while on air.

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