Take a look at the four times Stephanie Okereke Linus looked gorgeous in a floral dress. The Nollywood actress who got married to Linus Idahosa in a lavish wedding at a Paris castle last year is all about style and elegance. With a good height that turns many heads, a pretty face and beautiful long longs to go with it, the Nigerian actress and producer of “Through the Glass,” has all it takes to look good in any outfit.
See photos of the four times Stephanie Okereke Linus looked gorgeous in a floral dress below. By the way, what do you think about the four different floral dresses the Nigerian celebrity is putting on? Do you find them all great? Do you have a favourite piece among them? Or, is there one or more you think she should not have put on because it did not do justice to her stature? Share your thoughts below!!!
ALSO SEE: LUPITA NYONG’O: 10 Top Fashion Styles We Love And Why.

Now that you have seen them all, what do you think of these four times that the Nollywood actress looked gorgeous in a floral dress? Do you think that she rocked all the pieces well and that they looked good in her? Are you a fan of floral pieces that would like to try these exact look or similar pieces? Let us know what you think b leaving a comment below. We can’t wait to see and read your opinion on these four times that the celebrity wife and mom looked gorgeous in a floral dress.
If you are strictly ankara African print fabric fan, just remember you can make these exact look with the colourful African print. You even opt for the same colour of fabric and you will get great results with your look.
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