Occupy Nigeria: Police Killed Protesters in Ogba (Graphic Images)

Occupy Nigeria: Police Killed Protesters in Ogba (Graphic Images)Occupy Nigeria: Police Killed Protesters in Ogba (Graphic Images)

A young Occupy Nigeria protester identified as Ademola Aderinde, (pictured above being molested by the police) was supposedly shot dead by Nigerian police this morning at the Ogba area of Lagos State, Nigeria.

An additional one was killed by a stray bullet when policemen attempted to dissolve a crowd of young people who had gathered at the junction Yaya Abatan Street in the Ogba area to show their backing for the labour strike action. In attempt to scare them away, shots were fired in the air and on the ground. During that process, four bystanders were hit by strays of bullets in which one was reported dead straightaway.

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