Africans In Netherlands: Miss Excellence 2011


Miss Excellence is an Afro fashion pageant organised in the Netherlands. The purpose of the event is to “re-brand the diminishing image of the AfroDutch citizen such as the Afro-Caribbean, African, Latin American and Afro-American women, once known for their trademark as “WOMEN OF VIRTUE.”

Contestants are drawn from all countries with women of colour. The contestants are between the ages of 17 and 27. The winner of this pageant will become the ambassador of coloured women living in the Netherlands.

Below is a list of the contestants and the countries they are representing;

The event will be taking place from 20.00pm – 03.00am on Saturday 17 December 2011 at the Koning Party & Events in Amsterdam. For Tickets and more information about the event, visit the Miss Excellence Netherlands website.

ALSO SEE: Zwarte Piet, Blackface Painted White Models and the Black Community.

Below are the photos of some of the contestants that will be participating in the upcoming black beauty pageant in the Netherlands.

Pictured above is 24-year-old Ndidi Aguzien, one of the contestants at the upcoming Amsterdam Miss Excellence. A beauty pageant for black people living in the Netherlands.

Above is Rebecca Habtab one of the contestants at the pageant that reflects on the beauty and heritage of Africa. She’s a young woman from Eritrea and lives in Assen, The Netherlands.

Pictured above is Fatima Guebre, another contestant that is participating to win the crown at the upcoming beauty pageant for blacks and Africans in the Netherlands.

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