Heavily Pregnant Woman Caught Having Sex With Partner While Awaiting Inducement

Heavily Pregnant Woman Caught Having Sex With Partner While Awaiting InducementHeavily Pregnant Woman Caught Having Sex With Partner While Awaiting Inducement

A woman who is heavily pregnant and about to go into labour was caught having sex with her partner inside a maternity ward at St Michael’s hospital in Bristol, United Kingdom. The discovery was made by a cleaner who heard the couple’s moans coming out of a private room they were waiting for their soon to be born baby to be induced.

On hearing what was going on in the room, the cleaner reported it to the hospital management who said there was no rule against having sex in the hospital ward and that all the couple needed to do to enjoy an intimate time together while in the hospital was to put up a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door.

It is alleged that eating spicy food or having sex can help induce labour for some pregnant women who are about to be delivered of their babies.

According to a hospital source, “Other patients on the unit heard the commotion and were upset. The cleaner was utterly shocked.

“She was amazed to be told it was OK. The hospital’s advice appears to be just to put a sign-up – amazing.”

Reacting to the claims, the NHS said there is no evidence sex or herbal supplements can induce – labour neither does it cause harm. It then went on to caution women to be careful and not have sex after their water has broken as the risk of contracting an infection at such time is high. t you should avoid having sex if your waters have broken as there is an increased risk of infection.’

SEE ALSO: 9 Signs You Have Uterine Fibroids.

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