On 24 August 2013, My Black Woman (MBW) will be organising a free Media and Business Networking conference at the University College London (UCL).
The event, created by Faustina Anyanwu, is meant to help African women and other women of colour in business and entertainment to take their place in the global branding.
Understanding the importance of approaching the media appropriately as a medium to get businesses into the global scene, and having seen that African enterprises at this moment have not realized this important strategy in adding value to their worth, Faustina created MBW PR and creative agency to support them.
Speaking of the need for African women to embrace the media as a powerful tool in putting themselves forward, Faustina says, “there are businesses and there are brands, these are two different things by mile. There is not going to be total liberation until we embrace reading and the media as an essential tool”.
The event has been designed to be fun, educational, interactive and relaxed to enable all who attend to have something to take home from it. “We want to see more and more Black owned businesses taking coming up especially here in the UK, I know we can do it says Engr. VCA the publisher of C.Hub magazine and one of the key speakers at the conference”
Also giving the keynote lecture is one of London’s most powerful business consultants – Morton Patterson of mortonpatterson.com.
Other people who will be speaking at the event include, Tola Onigbanjo, the co-founder of Women for Africa, Beverly Andrews, an established name in the Jewish community and a PR guru, Nena Ubani of Duchess TV and Obi Emelonye, the director of Last Flight to Abuja.
Tropics Magazine’s editor, Valerie has been confirmed as part of the media houses that will be gracing the occasion.
There will of be refreshment for all attendants. Those with VIP tickets will be treated to free copies of latest C.Hub Magazine.
Dr Page Ben of University College London, and Faustina Anyanwu, who will also be speaking – will host the conference. It is also expected that MBW will unveil her plans for the Black woman and Black businessmen and women come 24th August 2013.
[box type=”info” align=”aligncenter” ]For more information and or interviews please contact Faustina Anyanwu at: www.fauntee.com/blog myblackwoman@fauntee.com @fauntee 07901137951.[/box]
See poster below for more details on the event.