Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that are more common among black women than their caucasian counterparts. According to a TMZ report dated January 4, 2014, the Real Housewives of Atlanta star, Kenya Moore had surgery to remove her fibroids as she plans to undergo In Vitro treatments to enable her to get pregnant.
Kenya said that she went for the surgery because she was told by doctors that fibroid tumours can cause miscarriages – and by removing them, her chances of a successful pregnancy would be increased. Ms Moore confirmed the report by tweeting, “Thank you for all your well wishes and kind regards. Letting my family and friends know I successfully underwent fibroid surgery as it was reported.”
The former Miss USA told Life and Style that her priority is becoming a mother, with or without a man. ‘I plan on having a baby next year,’ she told the magazine just before Christmas. ‘Within the next six months, I hope to be pregnant.’
And the reality star intends to make it happen using modern technology. ‘I am going to do In Vitro,’ she said. ‘I just have to figure out whose sperm to use!’
Like Kenya, a lot of women have fibroids growing in their uterus. Because the tumours are not deadly, most women live with it without knowing they have them as their growth is usually slow. Apart from severe cases, most fibroids are discovered during routine pregnancy tests when women take an ultrasound scan.
While women can conceive even though they have fibroids, the chances of having a miscarriage are very high. Especially when the tumours) are already big.
SEE ALSO: Health: 9 Signs You Have Uterine Fibroids.
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